IBM i - Delete ASP

By kimot, 6 January, 2024

ASP can be deleted under Dedicated Service Tool (DST)
You can run DST only when system is IPLed in Manual mode !

                          IPL or Install the System                            
                                                            System:   S6583390 
 Select one of the following:                                                  
      1. Perform an IPL                                                        
      2. Install the operating system                                          
      3. Use Dedicated Service Tools (DST)                                     
      4. Perform automatic installation of the operating system                
      5. Save Licensed Internal Code                                           

After signing into DST select options :
4. Work with disk units 
1. Work with disk configuration 
3. Work with ASP configuration
2. Delete user ASP

                               Delete User ASP                       
Type option, press Enter.                                            
                                  ----Protected---  ---Unprotected-- 
Option  ASP  Threshold  Overflow       Size  %Used       Size  %Used 
          2      90%    No                0    *       211694    *   

4=Delete on desired ASP

                         Confirm Delete of User ASP                  
ATTENTION: Using the Delete User ASP function destroys all           
the data on the ASP and will remove all the units of that            
ASP from configuration. The unit will become non-configured.         
Press F10 to confirm your choice for Delete.                         
Press F12=Cancel to return to change your choice.                    
                                  ----Protected---  ---Unprotected-- 
Option  ASP  Threshold  Overflow       Size  %Used       Size  %Used 
  4       2      90%    No                0    *       211694    *   
 * - Amount used is not known                                        
F10=Confirm     F12=Cancel                                           

Press F10=Confirm

A message Selected user ASPs deleted successfully should appear.