BRMS - cannot edit entry on Edit Backup Control Group screen

By kimot, 12 October, 2023

If you get message Cursor in protected area of display on Edit Backup Control Group Entries screen in BRMS.

                     Edit Backup Control Group Entries               SERVER     
 Group . . . . . . . . . . : TEST                                               
 Default activity  . . . . . *BKUPCY                                            
 Text  . . . . . . . . . . . *NONE                                              
 Type information, press Enter.                                                 
                                  Weekly   Retain Save     SWA                  
      Backup     List ASP         Activity Object While    Message    Sync      
 Seq  Items      Type Device      SMTWTFS  Detail Active   Queue      ID        
   10 *EXIT                       *******                                       
   20 ADMDEVTODO *OBJ *SYSBAS     FFFFFFF  *YES   *LIB     *LIB       *NONE     
   30 ADMDEVTOD       *SYSBAS     *DFTACT  *YES   *LIB     *LIB       *NONE     
   40 *EXIT                       *******                                       
 F3=Exit    F5=Refresh    F10=Change item    F11=Display exits                  
 F12=Cancel    F14=Display client omit status    F24=More keys                  
 Cursor in protected area of display.                                           

Then item on line is probably used in GUI with some parts omited. 

You can use F14=Display client omit status to show actual status. 

                       Display BRMS Client Omit Status               SERVER    
 Group . . . . . . . . . . : TEST                                              
 Text  . . . . . . . . . . : *NONE                                             
       Backup      List  ASP         Client                                    
 Seq   Items       Type  Device      Omits                                     
   10  *EXIT                                                                   
   20  ADMDEVTODO  *OBJ  *SYSBAS     *NO                                       
   30  ADMDEVTOD         *SYSBAS     *YES                                      
   40  *EXIT                                                                   
 F3=Exit    F12=Cancel                                                         

If BRMS Client Omits is set as *YES on item you want to edit, then it will most likely be necessary to edit/delete  omits in the Navigator GUI.