By kimot, 24 December, 2022

The USER_INFO view contains information about user profiles

Field       Type       Length  Text
USER_NAME   VARCHAR        10  User profile name
PRVSIGNON   TIMESTAMP          The date and time the user last signed on
SIGNONINV   INTEGER            The number of sign-on attempts that were not valid
STATUS      VARCHAR        10  The status of the user profile
PWDCHGDAT   TIMESTAMP          The date the user's password was last changed
NOPWD       VARCHAR         3  Indicates whether *NONE is specified for the password in the user profile
PWD_0_1     VARCHAR         3  Indicates whether the user profile has a password that can be used for a system at QPWDLVL 0 or 1
PWD_2_3     VARCHAR         3  Indicates whether the user profile has a password that can be used for a system at QPWDLVL 2 or 3
PWDEXPITV   INTEGER            The number of days the user's password can remain active before it must be changed
PWDEXPDAT   TIMESTAMP          The date the user's password expires
PWDDAYSEXP  INTEGER            The number of days until the password will expire
PWDEXP      VARCHAR         3  Indicates whether the user's password is set to expire
USRCLS      VARCHAR        10  The user's class name
SPCAUT      VARCHAR        88  A list of the special authorities the user has
GRPPRF      VARCHAR        10  The name of the group profile
SUPGRPCNT   SMALLINT           The number of supplemental groups in the SUPGRPLIST column
SUPGRPLIST  VARCHAR       150  A list of supplemental groups for the user profile 
OWNER       VARCHAR        10  This field indicates who is to own objects created by this user
GRPAUT      VARCHAR        10  The authority the user's group profile has to objects the user creates
ASTLVL      VARCHAR        10  The user interface that the user will use
CURLIB      VARCHAR        10  The name of the user's current library
INLMNU      VARCHAR        10  The initial menu for the user
INLMNULIB   VARCHAR        10  The name of the library that the initial menu is in
INITPGM     VARCHAR        10  The initial program for the user
INITPGMLIB  VARCHAR        10  The name of the library that the initial program is in
LMTCPB      VARCHAR        10  Indicates whether the user has limited capabilities
TEXT        VARCHAR        50  The descriptive text for the user profile
DSPSGNINF   VARCHAR        10  Indicates whether the sign-on information display is shown when the user signs on
LMTDEVSSN   VARCHAR        10  Specifies if the number of device sessions allowed for a user is limited
KBDBUF      VARCHAR        10  The keyboard buffering value that is used when a job is initialized for this user
MAXSTGLRG   BIGINT             The maximum amount of auxiliary storage (in kilobytes) that can be assigned to store permanent objects owned by the user
STGUSED     BIGINT             The amount of auxiliary storage (in kilobytes) occupied by this user's owned objects on *SYSBAS
PTYLMT      CHAR            1  The highest scheduling priority the user is allowed to have for each job submitted to the system
JOBD        VARCHAR        10  The name of the job description used for jobs that start through subsystem work station entries
JOBDLIB     VARCHAR        10  Job description library name
ACGCDE      VARCHAR        15  The accounting code that is associated with this user
MSGQ        VARCHAR        10  The name of the message queue that is used by this user
MSGQLIB     VARCHAR        10  The name of the library the message queue is in
DLVRY       VARCHAR        10  How the messages are delivered to the message queue used by the user
SEV         SMALLINT           The lowest severity that a message can have and still be delivered to a user in break or notify mode
OUTQ        VARCHAR        10  The output queue used by this user
OUTQLIB     VARCHAR        10  The name of the library where the output queue is located
PRTDEV      VARCHAR        10  The printer used to print for this user
SPCENV      VARCHAR        10  The special environment the user operates in after signing on
ATNPGM      VARCHAR        10  The attention key handling program for this user
ATNPGMLIB   VARCHAR        10  The name of the library where the program is located
LANGID      VARCHAR        10  The language ID used by the system for this user
CNTRYID     VARCHAR        10  Country or region ID. Can contain the following special value
CCSID       VARCHAR         6  The CCSID for the user
USROPT      VARCHAR        77  A list of the options for users to customize their environment
SRTSEQ      VARCHAR        10  The name of the sort sequence table used for string comparisons
SRTSEQLIB   VARCHAR        10  The name of the library that is used to locate the sort sequence table
OBJAUD      VARCHAR        10  The object auditing value for this user
AUDLVL      VARCHAR       341  The action audit values for this user
GRPAUTTYP   VARCHAR        10  The type of authority the user's group profile has to objects the user creates
UID         BIGINT             The user ID number for the user profile
GID         BIGINT             The group ID number for the user profile
SETOBJATR   VARCHAR        88  A list of the job attributes that are taken from the user's locale path
GRPMBR      VARCHAR         3  Whether this user is a group that has members
DCIND       VARCHAR         3  Whether there are digital certificates associated with this user
CHRIDCTL    VARCHAR        10  The character identifier control for the user
LCLPWDMGT   VARCHAR         3  Indicates if password is managed locally
PWDCHGBLK   VARCHAR        10  Specifies the time period, in hours, during which a password is blocked from being changed following the prior successful password change operation
ENTITLERQD  VARCHAR         3  Whether a user entitlement is required for this user profile
USREXPITV   SMALLINT           The number of days (from 1 through 366) before the user profile is automatically disabled
ESREXPDATE  TIMESTAMP          The date when the user profile expires and is automatically disabled or deleted
ACTION      VARCHAR         8  The action that will occur when the user profile has expired
HOMEDIR     VARGRAPHIC   1024  The home directory for this user profile
LOCALE      VARGRAPHIC   1024  The locale path name that is assigned to the user profile when a job is started
DFTPWD      VARCHAR         3  The password is the default password
USER_OWNER  VARCHAR        10  The user profile that owns this user profile
CREATOR     VARCHAR        10  The user profile that created this user profile
SIZE        DECIMAL     10/15  Size of the user profile, in bytes
TIMESTAMP   TIMESTAMP          Timestamp of when the user profile was created
LASTUSED    TIMESTAMP          The date the user profile was used last
DAYSUSED    INTEGER            The number of days the user profile has been used on the system
LASTRESET   TIMESTAMP          The date when the days used count was last reset to zero
AUTCOLACT   VARCHAR         3  Whether authority collection is active for this user
AUTCOLREP   VARCHAR         3  Whether an authority collection repository exists for this user
SHELL_PATH  VARCHAR      1024  Path to the user's PASE shell