IBMi ODBC and JDBC catalog view

By kimot, 25 December, 2022
SQLCOLPRIVILEGESorfe privilege granted on a column or a privilege granted on the column’s table
SQLCOLUMNSorfe column in a table, view, or alias
SQLFOREIGNKEYSorfe referential constraint key on a table
SQLFUNCTIONCOLSorfe parameter of a function
SQLFUNCTIONSorfe function
SQLPRIMARYKEYSorfe primary constraint key on a table
SQLPROCEDURECOLSorfe parameter of a procedure
SQLPROCEDURESorfe procedure
SQLSCHEMASorfe schema
SQLSPECIALCOLUMNSorfe column of a primary key, unique constraint, or unique index that can identify a row of the table
SQLSTATISTICSstatistic information about a table
SQLTABLEPRIVILEGESorfe privilege granted on a table
SQLTABLESorfe table, view, and alias
SQLTYPEINFOorfe built-in data type
SQLUDTSorfe distinct type

orfe - one row for every
