IBMi catalog tables and views

By kimot, 24 December, 2022
SYSCATALOGSorfe relational database that a user can connect to
SYSCHKCSTorfe check constraint in the SQL schema
SYSCOLAUTHorfe privilege granted on a column
SYSCOLUMNSorfe column of each table and view in the SQL schema
SYSCOLUMNS2orfe column of each table and view in the SQL schema
SYSCOLUMNS2_SESSIONorfe column of each table and view in the SESSION (or QTEMP) schema
SYSCOLUMNSTATorfe column in a table partition/member that has a column statistics collection
SYSCONTROLS orfe row permission or column mask defined by the CREATE PERMISSION or CREATE MASK statements
SYSCONTROLSDEPdependencies of row permissions and column masks
SYSCSTorfe constraint in the SQL schema
SYSCSTCOLcolumns on which constraints are defined
SYSCSTDEPtables on which constraints are defined
SYSDUMMY1contains exactly one row
SYSFIELDSorfe column that has a field procedure
SYSFUNCS orfe function created by the CREATE FUNCTION statement
SYSHISTORYTABLESorfe history table, whether or not the history table is part of an established versioning relationship
SYSINDEXESorfe index in the SQL schema created using the SQL CREATE INDEX statement, including indexes on the SQL catalog
SYSINDEXSTATorfe SQL index partition
SYSJARCONTENTSorfe class defined by a jarid in the SQL schema
SYSJAROBJECTSorfe jarid in the SQL schema
SYSKEYSorfe column of an index in the SQL schema, including the keys for the indexes on the SQL catalog
SYSMQTSTATorfe materialized table partition
SYSPACKAGEorfe SQL package in the SQL schema
SYSPACKAGEAUTHorfe privilege granted on a package
SYSPACKAGESTATorfe SQL package in the SQL schema
SYSPACKAGESTMTSTATorfe SQL statement in every SQL package
SYSPARMSorfe parameter of a procedure created by the CREATE PROCEDURE statement or function created by the CREATE FUNCTION statement
SYSPARTITIONDISKorfe disk unit used to store data of every table partition or table member
SYSPARTITIONINDEXDISKorfe disk unit used to store the index data of every table partition or table member
SYSPARTITIONINDEXESorfe index built over a table partition or table member
SYSPARTITIONINDEXSTATorfe index built over a table partition or table member
SYSPARTITIONMQTSorfe materialized table built over a table partition or table member
SYSPARTITIONSTATorfe table partition or table member
SYSPERIODSorfe period defined for a temporal table in an SQL schema
SYSPROCSorfe procedure created by the CREATE PROCEDURE statement
SYSPROGRAMSTATorfe program, service program, and module that contains SQL statements
SYSPROGRAMSTMTSTATorfe embedded SQL statement in a program, module, or service program
SYSREFCSTorfe foreign key in the SQL schema
SYSROUTINEAUTHorfe privilege granted on a routine
SYSROUTINEDEPdependencies of routines
SYSROUTINESorfe procedure created by the CREATE PROCEDURE statement and each function created by the CREATE FUNCTION statement
SYSSCHEMAAUTHorfe privilege granted on a schema
SYSSCHEMASorfe schema in the relational database
SYSSEQUENCEAUTHorfe privilege granted on a sequence
SYSSEQUENCESorfe sequence object in the SQL schema
SYSTABAUTHorfe privilege granted on a table or view
SYSTABLEDEPdependencies of materialized query tables
SYSTABLEINDEXSTATorfe index that has at least one partition or member built over a table
SYSTABLESorfe table, view or alias in the SQL schema
SYSTABLESTATorfe table that has at least one partition or member
SYSTRIGCOLorfe column either implicitly or explicitly referenced in the WHEN clause or the triggered SQL statements of a trigger
SYSTRIGDEPorfe object referenced in the WHEN clause or the triggered SQL statements of a trigger SYSTRIGGERS orfe trigger in an SQL schema
SYSTRIGUPDorfe column identified in the UPDATE column list, if any
SYSTYPESorfe built-in data type and each distinct type and array type created by the CREATE TYPE statement
SYSUDTAUTHorfe privilege granted on a type
SYSVARIABLEAUTHorfe privilege granted on a global variable
SYSVARIABLEDEPdependencies of variables
SYSVARIABLESorfe global variable
SYSVIEWDEPdependencies of views on tables, including the views of the SQL catalog
SYSVIEWSorfe view in the SQL schema, including the views of the SQL catalog
SYSXSROBJECTAUTHorfe privilege granted on an XML schema
XSRANNOTATIONINFOorfe annotation in an XML schema to record the table and column information about the annotation
XSROBJECTCOMPONENTSorfe component (document) in an XML schema
XSROBJECTHIERARCHIESorfe component (document) in an XML schema to record the XML schema document hierarchy relationship
XSROBJECTSorfe registered XML schema

orfe      - one row for each/every 
oromfe - one row or more for each/every

